Friday, January 27, 2017

LFS Z28 Demo Cars Wheels Editor

This program gives you the ability to edit LFS Z28 demo cars wheels (XFG, XRG and FBM) by writing real life wheels size values into it.

Thanks to "TheTime" for coding this awesome and exclusive Tweak Program.
Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to work.

How to use it:
1. Download and Unrar the file linked below anywhere in your computer.
2. Run the game and the .exe file from the archive.
3. Write the new rims values in the program boxes and click the "Update Values !" button to send the values to LFS.
4. Go back to LFS and Check your new Wheels.
I recommend you to also use Cheat Engine with my Table to edit the Front/Rear Track when using wide wheels because otherwise they will not fit the car fenders.



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